In Vue.js, process.env.BASE_URL refers to an environment variable named BASE_URL. This variable is typically used to define the base URL for your Vue.js application, especially when you’re building a Vue.js project using tools like Vue CLI.
Here’s how it works:

  • Vue CLI Projects: When you create a Vue.js project using Vue CLI, a .env file may be created in the root directory of your project. Inside this file, you can define environment variables, including BASE_URL, to be used throughout your application.
  • Build-time Configuration: process.env.BASE_URL is commonly used to set the base URL for assets (such as images, fonts, or API endpoints) in your Vue.js application. During the build process, Vue CLI replaces occurrences of process.env.BASE_URL with the value you define in your environment configuration.

Here’s a basic example:

   <!-- Assuming the value of process.env.BASE_URL is '' -->
   <img :src="`${process.env.BASE_URL}logo.png`" alt="Logo">

export default {
 // Vue component options

In this example:

  • We’re using process.env.BASE_URL to construct the URL for an image (logo.png).
  • During the build process, Vue CLI replaces process.env.BASE_URL with the actual value defined in the environment configuration (e.g., ‘’).
  • This allows you to easily manage URLs and paths in your Vue.js application and adjust them based on different environments (such as development, staging, and production).

Remember to define the value of BASE_URL in your environment configuration files (e.g., .env.development, .env.production) or directly in your CI/CD pipeline settings, depending on your project setup and requirements.

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