The error message `[vuex] unknown action type: getCompanies` indicates that Vuex cannot find the action `getCompanies` in the current namespace. Since you are using namespaced modules, the action should be dispatched with the module namespace prefix.
In your `HelloWorld` component, you are dispatching the action as:
This is correct in terms of naming the action, but if you’re seeing an error, it usually means Vuex is not recognizing the action. Here are a few things to check:
1. Action Name: Ensure that `getCompanies` is correctly exported and named in your `actions.js` file.
2. Module Namespacing: Ensure that the `company` module is correctly namespaced in your `index.js` file of the module.
3. Store Setup: Verify that the module is correctly registered in your `store.js`.
Make sure that `getCompanies` is correctly exported. The code looks fine but ensure it’s properly saved and there are no typos.
Your `index.js` looks correct, but double-check it:
import actions from './action'; import getters from './getters'; import mutations from './mutations'; const state = { companies: [], }; export default { namespaced: true, state, actions, getters, mutations, };
Ensure that the module is correctly registered in `store.js`:
import Vue from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import companyModule from './modules/company'; Vue.use(Vuex); const store = new Vuex.Store({ modules: { company: companyModule, }, }); export default store;
In your `HelloWorld` component, make sure you are mapping getters correctly and dispatching actions with the correct namespace.
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'; export default { computed: { ...mapGetters({ companies: 'company/allCompanies', }), }, mounted() { this.$store.dispatch('company/getCompanies'); }, };
Ensure you are using a compatible version of Vuex with the Vue version you are using. Sometimes, compatibility issues can cause unexpected errors.