In Vue.js, you can use the v-for directive to loop through a range of numbers by creating an array that represents the range. This can be achieved using JavaScript’s Array.from method or a simple loop to generate the array dynamically. Here’s how you can do it:

Using Array.from

The Array.from method allows you to create an array of a specific length and fill it with values based on a mapping function. Here’s an example of how to loop a specific number of times:

     <li v-for="n in range" :key="n">Iteration {{ n }}</li>

export default {
 data() {
   return {
     range: Array.from({ length: 10 }, (v, k) => k + 1) // Creates an array [1, 2, 3, ..., 10]

In this example:
The data function returns an object with a range property.
The range property is initialized with an array of numbers from 1 to 10 using Array.from.
The v-for directive iterates over the range array and renders a list item for each number.

Using a Computed Property

Alternatively, you can generate the range array using a computed property:

In this example:
The range computed property generates an array of numbers from start to end.
The v-for directive iterates over the range array and renders a list item for each number.

Using a Method to Generate the Range

You can also create a method to generate the range array:

In this example:
The generateRange method takes start and end arguments and returns an array of numbers from start to end.
The v-for directive calls the generateRange method directly and iterates over the returned array.


To loop a specific number of times in Vue.js using v-for, you can:

  1. Use Array.from to create an array representing the range.
  2. Use a computed property to dynamically generate the range array.
  3. Use a method to generate the range array.

These approaches allow you to iterate a specific number of times in your templates, providing flexibility depending on your needs.

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