The following code structure is implemented in App.js because the application needs to be completely initialized before making any API requests.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { AppState, View } from 'react-native'; import Navigation from './Navigation'; // Import your Navigation component /** * Main application component. * Renders the navigation component based on the current app state. */ const App = () => { // State to hold the current app state const [appState, setAppState] = useState(AppState.currentState); useEffect(() => { // Function to handle changes in the app state. const handleAppStateChange = (nextAppState) => { setAppState(nextAppState); }; // Subscribe to app state changes const subscription = AppState.addEventListener('change',handleAppStateChange); // Unsubscribe when the component unmounts return () => { subscription.remove(); }; }, []); // Empty dependency array to run effect only once return ( <View> {/* Render the navigation component only when app state is 'active' */} {appState === 'active' && <Navigation />} </View> ); }; export default App;