Installing the required dependencies

npm install

Connecting with React Native: You can import in your React Native application and use this to create a connection with your server. ( App.js file )

import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import SocketIOClient from ''; // import as SocketIOClient

const App = () => {
    		useEffect(() => {
        		const socket = SocketIOClient('your-server-url');

        		socket.on('connect', () => {
            		console.log('Connected to server');

        		return () => {

    		}, []);

    		return (
export default App;

After connecting, you can define which actions your application should perform in response to particular messages from the server or certain events.

// Inside the useEffect hook in your React Native component

socket.on('event_channel', (message) => {
    		console.log('Received message from event_channel:', message);

// Update state or trigger some action in your app here.

// Sending messages

socket.emit('event_channel', 'Message update to server!');

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