Here is the Python code that retrieves the device connection string:
from azure.mgmt.iothub import IotHubClient from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential from azure.mgmt.iothub.models import SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRule # Subscription ID and resource group subscription_id = 'ABCD1234' # Your subscription ID resource_group = 'my-resource-group' iot_hub_name = 'my-iot-hub' device_id = 'MY_DEVICE' # Use DefaultAzureCredential for authentication credential = DefaultAzureCredential() # Initialize IoT Hub client iot_hub_client = IotHubClient(credential, subscription_id) # Retrieve the primary connection string for the device def get_device_connection_string(): # Get the device identity device = iot_hub_client.iot_hub_resource.get_device(resource_group, iot_hub_name, device_id) # Get the IoT Hub keys keys = iot_hub_client.iot_hub_resource.list_keys(resource_group, iot_hub_name) # Construct connection string if keys: for key in keys: if key.rights == "RegistryWrite": connection_string = f"HostName={iot_hub_name};DeviceId={device_id};SharedAccessKey={key.primary_key}" return connection_string # Retrieve connection string for the device conn_str = get_device_connection_string() print(f"Connection string for device {device_id}: {conn_str}")