Description of below code

To save the Python screen output to a text file, you can redirect the standard output to a file. Here’s the modified version of your code with explanations.

  • Import the `sys` module to access the standard output functionality.
  • Specify the desired file path (`output.txt`) to save the output.
  • Use a `with` statement to open the file in write mode (‘w’) as ‘f’.
  • Save a reference to the original standard output (`original_stdout`).
  • Redirect the standard output to the file by assigning `sys.stdout` to ‘f’.
  • Print the desired output, and it will be written to the file instead of the console.
  • After the block, we reset the standard output to its original value.

This code will save the printed output to the specified text file (`output.txt`). You can change the `output_file_path` variable to your preferred file path.

import json
import exec.fullog as e

inp = e.getdata()  # inp now is a dict() which has items, keys, and values.
# Query
output_file_path = 'output.txt'  # Set the desired file path
# Redirecting standard output to a file
with open(output_file_path, 'w') as f:
    original_stdout = sys.stdout  # Save a reference to the original standard output
    sys.stdout = f  # Redirect standard output to the file

    print('Data collected on:', inp['header']['timestamp'].date())
    print('\n CLASS 1 INFO\n')

    for item in inp['Demographics']:
    	if item['name'] in ['Carly', 'Jane']:
        	print(item['name'], 'Height:', item['ht'], 'Age:', item['years'])

    for item in inp['Activity']:
    	if item['name'] in ['Cycle', 'Run', 'Swim']:
        	print(item['name'], 'Athlete:', item['athl_name'], 'Age:', item['years'])
    sys.stdout = original_stdout  # Reset standard output to the original value


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