Description of below code

Provided Python code uses the NumPy library to calculate the factorial of integers ranging from 1 to 150. It employs the timeit module to measure the execution time for each factorial computation and stores the results in a list named time_values. The code then utilizes Matplotlib to create a plot, depicting the relationship between the input integer (n) and the corresponding time taken for factorial calculation. The x-axis represents the values of n, while the y-axis represents the time taken in seconds. The resulting plot visualizes the time complexity of the factorial computation as the input size increases.

import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import timeit

n_values = np.arange(1, 151)
time_values = [timeit.timeit(lambda: np.math.factorial(i), number=1) for i in n_values]

plt.plot(n_values, time_values)
plt.xlabel('n (Factorial of n)')
plt.ylabel('Time (seconds)')
plt.title('Time to Calculate Factorial of n')

time to calculate

Or if you want to just record the time for any function then you can implement below code

import time
# Record the start time
start_time = time.time()
# Your code or function to measure execution time
# ...
# Record the end time
end_time = time.time()
# Calculate and print the elapsed time
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
print(f"Elapsed Time: {elapsed_time} seconds")

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