const { DOMImplementation, XMLSerializer } = require('xmldom');
const xmlSerializer = new XMLSerializer();
const document = new DOMImplementation().createDocument('', 'html', null);
// Function to generate SVG content
function generateSVG() {
    const svg = document.createElementNS('', 'svg');
    const rc = rough.svg(svg);
    svg.appendChild(rc.rectangle(10, 10, 200, 100, { roughness: 2, fill: 'blue' }));

    let xml = xmlSerializer.serializeToString(svg);
    return xml;

// Function to save SVG to a file
function saveSVGToFile(svgContent, fileName) {
    fs.writeFileSync(fileName, svgContent, 'utf-8');
    console.log(`SVG saved to ${fileName}`);

// Generate SVG and save to file
const generatedSVG = generateSVG();
saveSVGToFile(generatedSVG, 'output1.svg');


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