In Laravel’s Eloquent ORM, you can use the where() method to build complex queries with logical operators like AND and OR. You can nest the conditions within closures to achieve a WHERE condition with OR and AND combinations.

In Laravel Eloquent, you can pass multiple conditions as tuples that consist of [[column, value] or [column, value]] AND [[column, value] or [column, value]]. When no comparison operator is provided, Laravel defaults to using the “=” (equals) operator.


SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE (column='value' or column='value') AND (column='value' or column='value');

Example in SQL

SELECT * FROM Book WHERE (genre='Fantasy' or genre='Education') AND (type='book' or type='ebook');

Laravel Eloquent Query

Book::where(function ($query) use ($c, $d) { 
	$query->where(`genre`, '=', 'Fantasy') 
		->orWhere(`genre`, '=', 'Education');
	 })->where(function ($query){ 
		$query->where(`type`, '=', 'book')
	 		->orWhere(`type`, '=', 'ebook'); 

In this example:-

  • We’re querying the Book model.
  • We’re using the where() method with a closure to group the conditions. The first closure represents (genre = ‘Fantasy’ OR genre = ‘Education’), and the second closure represents (type = ‘book’ OR type= ‘ebook’).
  • The conditions within each closure are connected with AND, and the closures are connected with AND.

This query will fetch Book that genre are either ‘Fantasy’ or ‘Education’ and type in either ‘book’ or ‘ebook’. Adjust the conditions according to your specific requirements.

  • The outer where() method is used for additional conditions that apply to the entire query.
  • Inside the closure, you can use where() and orWhere() methods to create AND and OR combinations respectively.
  • The closure represents a group of conditions that are logically connected.

Here’s a summary of key points:-

  1. orWhere: Use orWhere to add OR conditions to your query. This method allows you to specify multiple conditions where any of them can be true for a record to be included in the result set.
  2. where: Use where to add AND conditions to your query. This method allows you to specify multiple conditions that must all be true for a record to be included in the result set.
  3. Combining OR and AND conditions: You can combine OR and AND conditions by nesting conditions within anonymous functions. This allows you to construct complex query logic where certain conditions must be met in combination with others.


When building complex queries in Laravel Eloquent, you might encounter scenarios where you need to combine AND and OR conditions within the same query. This is particularly useful when you want to construct queries with multiple conditions that involve different logical operators.

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