
Eloquent is Laravel’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapper), providing a fluent, intuitive interface for interacting with the database. One of the most common tasks is filtering records based on certain conditions. This documentation will focus on the where method to filter records where a specific column is not equal to a given value.

Basic Syntax

To filter results where a column is not equal to a specific value, you use the where method with the != operator. The basic syntax is:

Model::where('column', '!=', 'value')->get();

Alternatively, you can use the <> operator, which is equivalent to !=:

Model::where('column', '<>', 'value')->get();

Example Usage

Filtering Users

Suppose you have a User model and you want to retrieve all users who are not admins. Assuming the role column stores user roles, the query would look like this:

use App\Models\User;
$nonAdmins = User::where('role', '!=', 'admin')->get();

Combining Conditions

You can combine multiple where conditions using the and logic by chaining where methods:

$users = User::where('role', '!=', 'admin')
             ->where('status', 'active')

Using OrWhere

If you need to apply an or logic for the conditions, use the orWhere method:

$users = User::where('role', '!=', 'admin')
             ->orWhere('status', 'inactive')

This query retrieves users who are either not admins or inactive.

Using Query Builder

The Eloquent where method delegates to the underlying query builder, so you can use the query builder directly for more complex queries. Here’s an example:

$users = DB::table('users')
           ->where('role', '!=', 'admin')

Advanced Filtering

Using Closures

You can use a closure for more complex conditions. For example, to retrieve users who are not admins and either have an email verified or were created within the last month:

$users = User::where('role', '!=', 'admin')
             ->where(function($query) {
                     ->orWhere('created_at', '>=', now()->subMonth());

Using Raw Expressions

For advanced cases, you might need to use raw expressions:

$users = User::whereRaw('role != ? and status = ?', ['admin', 'active'])->get();

Handling Null Values

Eloquent provides a method for handling null values. If you need to filter records where a column is not null, you can use the whereNotNull method:

$users = User::where('role', '!=', 'admin')

If you need to combine != and null checks, Eloquent makes it easy:

$users = User::where('role', '!=', 'admin')
             ->where(function($query) {
                       ->orWhere('last_login', '<>', null);

Performance Considerations


Ensure the columns used in your where clauses are indexed to improve query performance. For example, if you frequently filter users by the role column, adding an index can be beneficial:

Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

Or you can do this also to reduce the query response time

$first = User::whereNull(‘role’); 
$second = User::where('role', '!=' , 2) ->union($first) ->get();


Consider caching the results of expensive queries to reduce database load:

$nonAdmins = Cache::remember('non-admin-users', 60, function () {
    return User::where('role', '!=', 'admin')->get();

Query Optimization

Use database query optimization techniques, such as selecting only necessary columns, to improve performance:

$users = User::where('role', '!=', 'admin')
             ->select('id', 'name', 'email')

Practical Tips

  1. Indexing: Ensure the columns used in where clauses are indexed for better performance.
  2. Readability: Use meaningful variable names and split complex queries into multiple lines for better readability.
  3. Security: Use parameter binding to prevent SQL injection, which is automatically handled by Eloquent when using the where method.


Filtering records with the where method in Eloquent is straightforward and powerful. Using != or <> operators allows you to exclude records matching a specific value. Eloquent provides various ways to combine conditions and handle complex queries, ensuring flexibility and ease of use.

Here’s a quick recap of the enhanced key points:

  • Use Model::where(‘column’, ‘!=’, ‘value’)->get(); to filter records.
  • Combine multiple conditions with chained where methods or orWhere.
  • Utilize closures and raw expressions for advanced queries.
  • Ensure columns used in queries are indexed for performance.
  • Performance Considerations: Index columns, cache results, and optimize queries.

By mastering these techniques, you can effectively manage and retrieve data in your Laravel applications using Eloquent ORM.

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