Using DefaultTabController

DefaultTabController.of(context).index We can get the current tab index.

Using a custom TabController

If you created a TabController manually, either pass it down to the widget that needs the index or use a GlobalKey:

final _tabController = TabController(length: 3);

// Pass to a widget:
MyWidget(tabController: _tabController);

// Use a GlobalKey:
GlobalKey<TabBarState> _tabKey = GlobalKey();
int currentIndex = _tabKey.currentState.index;

Read the index property

Use the currentIndex value to perform actions based on the selected tab:

int currentIndex = _tabController.index;

Use the index

Use the currentIndex value to perform actions based on the selected tab:

if (currentIndex == 0) {
  // Perform actions for the first tab
} else if (currentIndex == 1) {
  // Perform actions for the second tab

Additional considerations

Listening to tab changes:

Use the addListener method on TabController to get notified when the tab index changes:

_tabController.addListener(() {
  int currentIndex = _tabController.index;
  // Perform actions based on the new index

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