When developing a Flutter app that uses Firebase authentication, it’s important to manage the app’s flow based on the user’s login sessions. There are two methods to check if a user is logged in using Firebase Auth.
FirebaseAuth provides the authStateChanges() method, which returns a stream of the current user’s authentication state. This stream is automatically triggered whenever a user logs in or out, eliminating the need to manually handle the state.
StreamBuilder<User?>( stream: FirebaseAuth.instance.authStateChanges(), builder: (context, snapshot) { return Text( "User Detail: ${snapshot.data != null ? snapshot.data?.email : "User not found"}” ); }),
Another approach is to utilize the currentUser property provided by FirebaseAuth. This property returns the currently authenticated user. If the currentUser is null, it means the user is logged out; otherwise, the user is currently logged in.
Text( "User Detail: ${FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser != null ? FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser?.email : "User not found"}" ),
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