This guide outlines the steps to create a new Angular project, considering your preferred package manager and desired Angular version.
npx @angular/cli@
For angular versions up to 5 ‘npx’ commands will not be helpful.
You have to change the global angular cli version and then create a new project.
Ensure @angular/cli is not globally installed. If it is, uninstall it using:
npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
If npm versions above 5:
npm cache verify
For older versions (or for extra cleaning):
npm cache clean --force
Install Specific Angular CLI Version:
npm install -g @angular/cli@
Create Project:
ng new
yarn dlx -p @angular/cli@
For the Yarn version up to 2 ‘dlx’ commands will not be helpful.
You have to change the global angular cli version and then create a new project.
Uninstall Existing @angular/cli (if globally installed):
yarn global remove @angular/cli
Install Specific CLI Version:
yarn global add @angular/cli@
Verifying Angular CLI Version:
ng --version
Create Project:
ng new
This guide provides clear instructions for both ‘npx’ and ‘yarn’ users, ensuring a smooth project creation experience based on your preferred Angular version and package manager.