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Achieve Deployment Automation with Kubernetes Experts

Stop wasting time on manual deployments. Bacancy's team of certified Kubernetes Administrators (CKAs) can help you automate your application lifecycle. Our experienced developers use tools like Helm charts and CI/CD pipelines (such as Jenkins or GitLab) to streamline the process. This means your code commits will automatically trigger container builds, deployments, and configuration management, saving you valuable time and resources.

Hire Kubernetes Developers from us. They have a deep understanding of container networking and security best practices. They can ensure your deployments are fast but also reliable and secure.

Achieve Deployment Automation with Kubernetes Experts
  • Our developers understand Kubernetes fundamentals, ensuring your applications are built on a stable and efficient foundation.
  • They can optimize communication within your containerized environment through their expertise in Kubernetes networking configurations.
  • Seamless integration of container runtimes with your deployments is achieved through their experience with Docker and Containerd.
  • Their proficiency in orchestration tools guarantees efficient deployments, streamlined configuration, and consistent application delivery.
  • Our developers can automate infrastructure provisioning for a reliable foundation for your Kubernetes deployments using infrastructure as code tools.
  • They can streamline your workflow by automating Kubernetes deployments and management processes, freeing your team for other tasks.
Let’s Discuss Your Project

Services Offered By Our Kubernetes Developers

We offer a comprehensive suite of services to empower your journey to containerization success. Hire Kubernetes Experts from us who possess a deep understanding of Kubernetes fundamentals. Partner with Bacancy and unlock the full potential of containerization – our developers have the expertise to handle every aspect of your journey.

Kubernetes Consulting Services

Do you need tailored solutions for seamlessly adopting and managing Kubernetes? Our specialized Kubernetes consulting services are designed to assess your infrastructure. We craft roadmaps tailored to your needs and provide hands-on implementation support every step of the way. With expertise across significant cloud platforms like AWS, GCP, and Azure, we ensure efficient containerization, security, and compliance, empowering your business to innovate and optimize IT operations effectively.

Kubernetes Cluster Setup and Deployment

Our Kubernetes developers are experts in cluster setup and deployment, excelling in containerization, IaC tools, networking, security, and DevOps automation. With proven experience and relevant certifications, they streamline operations, enhance security, and optimize performance. Showcase their skills and reliability, ensuring companies recognize the immense value in hiring from our talent pool, guaranteeing efficient and secure Kubernetes deployments.

Kubernetes Security

Our developers proactively identify and mitigate potential security vulnerabilities in your Kubernetes cluster. Hire them to implement best practices such as RBAC, network policies, and secret management. Let them leverage the principle of least privilege and configure robust network policies to restrict access and communication between containers, minimizing the attack surface. Our developers will leverage tools to streamline security monitoring and incident response and configure your Kubernetes environment to meet compliance requirements like SOC 2 or HIPAA.

Containerization and Orchestration

Hire experienced and highly skilled Kubernetes consultants from us to navigate the complexities of container builds (think Dockerfiles) and orchestration with tools like Helm, ensuring smooth deployments and efficient resource utilization in your Kubernetes cluster. Our Kubernetes developers handle containerization and orchestration with expertise. Get efficient deployments, optimize resource utilization, and unlock the full potential of cloud-native development.

Disaster Recovery and High Availability

Our team of experienced Kubernetes Developers is highly skilled in utilizing Backup and Recovery Tools like Kube-DR, Kasten K10, and Valero. Utilize availability tools like Kubeadm with HA Clusters and ETCD and monitoring and logging tools like Prometheus, Grafana and ELK Stack. Additionally, they employ Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Service Mesh technologies alongside networking tools to ensure disaster recovery plans and high availability for your Kubernetes clusters. This enhances the resilience and dependability of their applications.

Kubernetes DevOps

Leverage our Kubernetes expertise to enhance operational efficiency and accelerate your DevOps journey with cutting-edge Kubernetes solutions. Our Kubernetes DevOps services ensure seamless integration and continuous delivery for your applications. Our expert developers automate deployment, manage CI/CD pipelines, and optimize your Kubernetes clusters for performance and reliability. Hire our Kubernetes developers today for unmatched expertise.

Kubernetes GitOps

Our skilled Kubernetes experts streamline your workflows by automating infrastructure updates directly from your Git repository, ensuring consistent, secure, and scalable deployments. They will help you unlock the power of GitOps for simplified, reliable operations. Let our experts transform your DevOps pipeline with unparalleled GitOps proficiency and enhance your deployment processes with our Kubernetes GitOps services.

Kubernetes Monitoring and Logging

We utilize top-tier tools like Prometheus and Grafana for real-time insights into application performance, security, and health status. We detect issues before they impact users, effectively troubleshoot problems as they arise, and optimize resource usage. Consider hiring Kubernetes developers for insights and proactive management of your native applications.

Kubernetes Support and Training

Our seasoned Kubernetes engineers become your trusted advisors. Get 24/7 support, expert troubleshooting, and customized training programs to empower your team and unlock the full potential of your containerized applications.

Kubernetes Migration Services

Hire Kubernetes Developers from us who are proficient in Kubernetes Migration. Seek their assistance to pave the way for a smooth journey. We expertly assess your existing infrastructure, design a customized migration plan, and ensure a flawless transition to a robust Kubernetes environment.

Kubernetes Managed Services

Leverage our managed Kubernetes services to handle everything from deployments, scaling, security, and maintenance. We will help you simplify container orchestration and accelerate application development. Our developers will deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters, freeing users to focus on applications. We ensure flexibility and scalability by taking the complexity of setting up applications out of the equation.

Hire Kubernetes Developers As Per Your Need

We Offer Highly Skilled and Experienced Certified Kubernetes Administrators (CKA) and Certified Kubernetes Application Developers (CKAD)

Simple & Transparent Pricing | Fully Signed NDA | Code Security | Easy Exit Policy

Schedule A Developer Interview and Get 15 Days Risk-Free Trial

We ensure you’re matched with the right talent resource based on your requirement.

Your Success Is Guaranteed !

We accelerate the release of digital products and guarantee your success

We Use Slack, Jira & GitHub for Accurate Deployment and Effective Communication.

Tech Stack Used by our Kubernetes Developers

Containerization Docker Containerd
Orchestration Kubernetes
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Terraform Helm Kustomize
CI/CD Jenkins GitLab CI/CD CircleCI Argo CD
Monitoring and Logging Prometheus Grafana ELK Stack (Elasticsearch| Logstash| Kibana) Fluentd
Security Kube-bench Kube-hunter Aqua Security Falco
Networking Calico Istio Linkerd
Storage Ceph Rook
Backup and Recovery Velero
Service Mesh Istio Linkerd
Automation and Scripting Ansible Bash/Python/Go
GitOps Tools Flux Argo CD
Development Environments and Tools kubect k9s Lens
Cloud Providers Amazon EKS Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
AI Tools ChatGPT Github Copilot Gemini

Case Studies

Why Hire Kubernetes Developers from Bacancy

For over 12 years, Bacancy has been a trusted name in staff augmentation, connecting talent with businesses across various industries. With our selected team of Kubernetes developers, known as our A-Team, we have assisted companies in harnessing the benefits of containerization.

Say goodbye to the time-consuming search for in-house talent. Bacancy provides a successful solution. Here's why we stand out as leaders in Kubernetes staff augmentation;

Why Hire Kubernetes Developers from Bacancy
  • Experienced Kubernetes Experts: We don't send beginners. Our developers are seasoned professionals with hands-on experience and the expertise to handle any container-related challenge that comes their way.
  • Smooth Integration is our specialty: We understand the complexities of integration. We collaborate closely with your team to ensure an onboarding process and knowledge transfer that minimizes disruptions.
  • Simplified Scalability: Whether you need a team for a project or a full-fledged group of Kubernetes experts for a major deployment, we tailor our services to meet your requirements perfectly, regardless of size or complexity.
  • Global Reach, Local Knowledge: Say goodbye to constraints. We search worldwide to find top-notch Kubernetes developers without being limited by location.
  • Cost Effectiveness: Forget about the recruitment costs. Bacancy allows you to invest in the skills you require precisely when they are needed.
  • Agile Methodology is in our DNA: Agility is ingrained in our approach. Similar to Kubernetes, we prioritize movements and seamless adjustments.
  • Round-the-clock assistance: Our support never rests. Faced with a Kubernetes issue at 3 a.m.? No worries. Our committed support squad is always available and prepared to address any challenges and guide you toward a resolution.
Let’s Discuss Your Project

Hire Kubernetes Developers in Three Easy Steps

Ready to unlock the power of containerization with expert developers? Bacancy makes it simple! Here's how to find the perfect fit for your team:

Hire Kubernetes Developers


Discuss Your Needs

During a quick consultation, we'll discuss your project requirements, team structure, and desired skill set. This helps us identify the ideal Kubernetes developer for your specific needs.

Hire Kubernetes Developers


Review Top Candidates

We'll present a shortlist of highly qualified Kubernetes developers who match your criteria. You can review their profiles and experience to find the best candidate for your team.

Hire Kubernetes Developers


Seamless Onboarding

Once you've chosen the perfect developer, we'll handle the onboarding process and ensure a smooth integration with your existing team. We'll also provide ongoing support throughout the engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Let’s talk

Bacancy offers several benefits compared to traditional hiring. We provide access to a wider pool of qualified Kubernetes developers, handle the recruitment process, and ensure a smooth integration with your existing team. You also benefit from cost-effectiveness, only paying for the expertise you need for the specific project duration.

Bacancy offers a range of Kubernetes developers with varying levels of experience. We carefully assess their skills and match them to your specific project requirements. Whether you need seasoned veterans for complex deployments or skilled developers for ongoing maintenance, we have the right talent.

Absolutely! We provide ongoing support throughout the engagement. This includes technical assistance from our dedicated team and guidance on best practices for managing your Kubernetes environment.

Bacancy leverages its extensive network and streamlined recruitment process to quickly identify and deploy qualified Kubernetes developers. The timeframe depends on the specific skills and experience you require, but we typically connect you with potential candidates rapidly.

Bacancy offers flexible engagement models to suit your budget. We typically work with hourly rates or project-based fees, ensuring transparency and cost-effectiveness compared to the overhead of full-time hires.