
Bridgestone, a global tire and rubber industry leader, stands as a pioneering force committed to innovation and excellence. As a renowned brand, Bridgestone is dedicated to shaping the future of mobility through cutting-edge solutions and a relentless pursuit of advancements in tire technology.

Technical Stack

  • React
  • JAVA
  • GIT
  • Maven
  • Jenkins
  • Industry

    Information Technology

  • region
  • Region

    United States

  • project-size
  • Project Size

    Non- Disclosable


3D Animation and Depiction

Collaborative Features

Navigation for City Tour

Innovative AEM Integration

Challenges & Solutions

The initial setup needed a dynamic content management system, making updating or modifying content efficiently difficult.

  • Solution: We implemented Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to manage and update content, seamlessly providing flexibility and ease of use.

Developing the application in a 3D model presented challenges, especially in integrating third-party JavaScript seamlessly.

  • Solution: We addressed this challenge by adopting Adobe Experience Manager AEM, aligning with technical requirements, and ensuring the smooth development of the Future of Mobility project.

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Years of Business




Countries with
Happy Customers


Agile enabled

Core Features

  • Audio Functionality
  • Interactive Labels
  • Cross-Device Compatibility
  • Interactive Information Overlay
  • Dynamic Content Management
  • no.-of-resources
  • No. of Developers


  • time-frame
  • Time Frame

    August 2022 - Ongoing

Experience With Bacancy

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