
UPS SMB CMS is its own platform for courier service. It provides the service for the courier globally across the countries. Also, it provides a platform for growing the business.

Technical Stack

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Angular
  • Nodejs
  • .Net core SDK core 3.1
  • Industry

    Logistics & Transportation

  • region
  • Region

    United States

  • project-size
  • Project Size

    Non- Disclosable


Scaling the CMS for a growing number of users

Integration of Payment Gateway

Merging the project setup and documentation

Generation of courier receipt

Challenges & Solutions

Understanding the project requirements was difficult in the beginning as the client was unclear.

  • Solution: We gave the responsibility to a single developer to write down the test cases as early as possible.

Being a complex project, it was hard to come up with an understanding for the developers regarding Coding and the Project complexity.

  • Solution: Next, we created confluence for the project setup and documentation for the project flow and understanding.

It was extremely crucial to write unit testing for all the components of the application.

  • Solution: We conducted back and forth meetings with the client to get more requirements and the upcoming spring plan. This helped us to be on the same page with the client.

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Years of Business




Countries with
Happy Customers


Agile enabled

Core Features

  • Sent Email for every status update of the courier
  • Google map Location feature
  • Search Location API
  • Generate Courier Receipt
  • Calculate Package size using iPhone camera by scanning
  • PayPal payment gateway
  • Credit Card and UPS wallet feature
  • Search based on the tracking number
  • no.-of-resources
  • No. of Developers


  • time-frame
  • Time Frame

    July 2021 - January 2022

Experience With Bacancy

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