Quick Summary:

Vue.js is a progressive framework for building interactive and dynamic user interfaces. To support the power of the progressive, elegant, and prevalent Vuejs framework, we will share the list of Top Open-Source Vue JS projects with you. Scrolling through each and every Vue.js project listed, you can easily determine the most popular and convenient one. Explore the amazing collection of Vue JS projects and get better ideas as well as information for your next Vue open source projects.

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Without convincing you on the power of the progressive, elegant, and prevalent Vue.js framework, I’m going to present evidence that will no more need much explanation. In this blog post, I am bringing a list of top Open-source VueJS projects in front of you.

You can check out the popularity of each project that I am sharing on its GitHub page, and build your next Vue project using some of these efficient and free resources.

Top 21 Amazing VueJs Projects

Given below is a list of the amazing vuejs projects of 2023 that are openSource and free let’s check it out:

1. Vuemmerce

Vuemmerce is a responsive e-commerce template. Ivan Lori, a programming enthusiast developed this project using Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and Bulma framework.

It is a free and open-source e-commerce template.

Official Website: https://vuemmerce-git-master.ivanlori.now.sh/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/ivanlori/Vuemmerce

2. VuePress

Evan You, who created Vue.js, also created VuePress, another Vue js project to consider. VuePress is a static site generator through which you can create a minimalistic and SEO-friendly site with Google integration using this tool. Your VuePress site will have multi-language support and will be using Vue, VueRouter, and webpack.

Just as you use Nuxt for app creation, VuePress will help you build a static website. It captures 16.6k starts on GitHub.

Official Website: https://vuepress.vuejs.org

GitHub link: https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress

3. Faviator

Faviator is a library for creating and using your own simple icons. All you need to do is to pass a configuration and choose the format for your file. JPG, SVG, PNG, etc. many formats are available.

The website presents screenshots for every icon, and you can even choose any font from Google fonts.

Official Website: https://www.faviator.xyz/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/faviator/faviator

4. iView

If you are looking for a reliable Vue js project idea, IView can be a good option. IView is a set of UI components that developers can use if they know Single File Components. It has got a friendly API and you can use it along with the Starter Kit.

iView does not support IE8 but has got excellent documentation. You can estimate the popularity of iView through 23.3k stars on GitHub.

Official Website: https://iviewui.com

GitHub Link: https://github.com/iview/iview

5. Prettier

Prettier is a code formatter where by using it, you no more have to worry about the coding style. It supports all the .vue files and works with any of your favorite tools and languages. Emacs, VisualStudio, Emacs, WebStorm, etc. platforms easily incorporate Prettier with your browser.

This Vue JS project has earned excellent 36.7k stars and 2.4k forks on GitHub.

Official Website:https://prettier.io/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/prettier/prettier

6. Copilot

Copilot, a responsive admin dashboard template, is a fork of the AdminLTE. Bootstrap 3 forms the base of this project’s UI. It has a significant resolution that is compatible with small mobile screens to any desktop screen sizes.

The Copilot project makes 25000 stars and 651 forks on GitHub.

Official Website: https://copilot.mistergf.io/?ref=madewithvuejs.com

GitHub Link: https://github.com/misterGF/CoPilot

7. Koel

Koel is a music streaming server made using Vue.js and Laravel. Among all Vue projects in this list, this one adapts CSS grid, audio, drag-and-drop API, etc., and modern web technologies.

This Vue.js project is quite cool and has gathered 11.5 k stars on GitHub.

Official Website: https://koel.dev/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/koel/koel

8. PageKit

We have added PageKit in the list of Vue Open Source Projects as it is an Opensource CMS that uses Vue.js and Symfony components. It is intuitive, flexible, and modular in design.

If you want to build a website or an application, PageKit enables you to provide content in the right manner that perfectly fits your needs. This Vue project has 53000 stars on GitHub.

Official Website: https://pagekit.com/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/pagekit/pagekit

9. Eplee

Electronic publications are modern forms of information media. Eplee is an ePub reader that provides its users clear, distraction-free reading experience. The developers used Electron.js and Vue.js for the creation of this Vuejs project.

It has 172 stars and 22 forks on GitHub.

GitHub Link: https://github.com/Janglee123/eplee

10. Beep

With 140 GitHub stars, Beep runs security checks on your website and keeps your passwords protected. It executes its functioning by comparing your credentials with the database that contains leaked information.

Beep uses the SHA-1 algorithm that ensures security, and it doesn’t store your login credentials.

Official Website: https://beep.modus.app/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/ModusCreateOrg/beep

11. Minimal Notes

The reason behind including this VueJS project in our list is its lightweight, minimalistic characteristic. Minimal Notes app runs on your local browser and helps you keep notes of crucial data.

Official Website: https://vladocar.github.io/Minimal-Notes/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/vladocar/Minimal-Notes

12. Directus

Another lightweight and straightforward CMS is Directus, which is so good and famous among developers that it gains 6.9k stars on GitHub. The feature that makes it stand apart from other Vue JS projects is database synchronization. It stores your data in the form of the SQL database, and hence your app/website is always updated with every change you make.

Directus has got multi-lingual support.

Official Website: https://directus.io/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/directus/directus

13. Epiboard

Epiboard is an interactive dashboard interface that keeps you coherent with all the latest updates, Google trends, weather information, RSS feeds, downloads, and so much more.

It collects 214 stars and 26 forks on GitHub.

GitHub Link: https://github.com/Alexays/Epiboard

14. Twill

You can create your custom CMS using Twill, the open-source laravel package. Twill is a collection of prebuilt features and Vue UI components, using which you can create a flexible and robust design.

Twill helps you create a modern admin console that fulfills your publishing requirements. With around 2000 GitHub stars, Twill is making its place.

Official Website: https://twill.io/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/area17/twill

15. Docsify

Docsify is a documentation generator to choose from among these open source Vue projects. There are several API plugins available with Docsify, and you can implement a full-text search with this tool. Check out this fantastic showcase list here.

This lightweight tool has multiple theme options and has a following of 13.9k stars on GitHub.

Official Website: https://docsify.js.org/#/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify

16. Handsontable

Using this tool, you can create your custom data grid components along with the standard operations like- read, create, delete, and update. Handsonstable has got a spreadsheet look, and you can filter or sort your records.

There are 13.6k stars on GitHub for this tool.

Official Website: https://handsontable.com/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable


As the name suggests, CSSFX is a collection of CSS effects that you can apply to your next Vue JS project by clicking the effect. It is click-to-copy. You can check the preview of each CSS effect before you use it.

GitHub has gathered 5.6k stars and 277 forks for this project.

Official Website: https://cssfx.netlify.app/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/jolaleye/cssfx

18. Statusfy

Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and Tailwind CSS were used to make this status page system. This vue project is a web application that can help you create your custom interface, abstraction, and theme.

Stausfy has 1.9k stars and 128 forks on GitHub.

Official Website: https://aceforth.com/products/statusfy

GitHub Link: https://github.com/aceforth/statusfy

19. Nucleus

Nucleus Vue is a web API startup template that has a Vue Client application. As compared to other Vue.js projects, this one uses ASP.NET Core API and JWT authentication.

GitHub gathers 210 stars and 59 forks for Nucleus.

GitHub Link: https://github.com/alirizaadiyahsi/Nucleus

20. Vuestic

Vuestic is made using Bootstrap 4 and has 18 pages and 36 built-in UI elements for creating your responsive custom Vue Js Admin Template.

It has 7.2k stars 1.1k forks on GitHub.

GitHub Link: https://github.com/epicmaxco/vuestic-admin

21. Vue Crypto Dashboard

This PWS assisted crypto dashboard is build using Vue.js. It uses amchart for the display of historical charts and uses Binance Webstock API for realtime prices.

Vue crypto Dashboard has 59 stars and 31 forks on GitHub.

Official Website: https://jayeshlab.github.io/vue-crypto-dashboard/

GitHub Link: https://github.com/JayeshLab/vue-crypto-dashboard


Hopefully, you will find this list of 21 VueJS Opensource projects useful and decide which Vue JS project idea is the best one. Please feel free to provide your valued suggestions or additions to the list if you have relevant open source VueJS projects. For building your next Enterprise application, get in touch with us, the best Vue.js development company.

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