Almost all the applications consist of forms- right from handling the entrance: sign up to the departure: contact us. Forms let you interact with web applications better by giving feedback or by contacting them.

When you are working with React Native forms, you have to manage the state for every input field, you need to make sure that all fields validate the user input, and you have to handle submit form functionality once the form is filled. It might take longer and increase your work if you start from scratch. To make development easier and faster, we can use Redux Form.

If you’ve not worked with the redux form before, don’t worry; here’s a series of tutorials in two parts- in the first part, with the help of an example, we will integrate the redux form with your React Native application. Then, in the second part, we will dig deeper into redux form and implement a login module with the head-to-toe implementation of redux and redux middleware.

Without further ado, let’s get started with the redux form tutorial.

Table of Contents


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