Quick Summary

Healthcare IT staff augmentation is a strategy in which healthcare organizations hire external IT professionals to expand their existing teams. This approach is beneficial for addressing specific project needs, overcoming skill shortages, and decreasing workload burden.

Table of Contents


The healthcare sector has emerged from a simple health clinic with no modern gadgets to utilizing AI-driven diagnostics, telemedicine, and integrated electronic health records (EHRs). However, in a competitive healthcare sector dominated by next-gen technologies, the healthcare IT department needs help filling its open positions.

A recent HIMSS report found that a whopping 77% of healthcare organizations reported facing IT staffing shortages. Amidst this technological revolution lies a hidden crisis: a severe shortage of skilled IT professionals. This isn’t just an inconvenience – it can lead to delayed deployments, security vulnerabilities, and ultimately, hinder the quality of patient care.

According to a report, 47% of respondents ranked IT staffing shortages as their top three challenges. The shortage isn’t just a technical glitch; it’s an essential roadblock to progress, leading to a 40% higher possibility of data breaches and operational inefficiencies.

Healthcare IT staff augmentation offers the necessary expertise to ensure the seamless adoption and management of advanced technologies. It is also helpful in bridging the IT skills gap and transforming the future of healthcare delivery.

What is IT Staff Augmentation in Healthcare?

An IT staff augmentation is a strategy where a temporary group of experts fills the skill gap and technical expertise in the healthcare industry. The augmented IT professionals work with the existing team for some period to achieve the goal. In other words, it is a strategic approach to addressing the long-term or short-term gaps in IT resources.

In healthcare, IT staff augmentation involves hiring technical experts for software development, cybersecurity, system updates, network monitoring, and functional integration without hiring full-time employees. It’s an intelligent way to address both short-term projects and long-term needs without the commitment of hiring full-time employees.

When to Choose Staff Augmentation for Healthcare?

The following points can help you decide whether your project fits your healthcare scenarios and meet the organization’s needs:

1. Fill the skill gap

One crucial reason to consider IT staff augmentation for healthcare is when your team lacks specialized resources. The staff will fill the skill gap and help you accomplish your objective with their expertise.

For instance, your in-house team needs an individual with particular knowledge for a new project, like implementing a telehealth platform. In such situations, staff augmentation comes and assists in bringing qualified professionals to manage that aspect.

2. Complex workload

Healthcare workers have a heavier workload during certain seasons and only have a little time to handle specific technical issues. At such times, staff augmentation offers extra human resources to manage challenges without burning out your current team.

For instance, there is a surge in patients due to public health emergencies, which can be overwhelming for IT staff to handle the demand and manage their daily routines.

3. Technology advancement

The healthcare sector has evolved and adapted new technologies and systems to treat patients efficiently. But your team may still need to be more flexible and embrace advancements like Artificial Intelligence, diagnostics, and cloud-based solutions. Staff augmentation helps you bridge the knowledge gap associated with advancement.

For instance, your healthcare institute brought an AI-powered system for medical imaging analysis. However, not all are proficient in operating new technology, so you need an IT professional well-versed in AI technology and data security.

4. Streamline monitoring

With the latest advancements, handling IT security and HIPAA compliance is constantly challenging. Staff augmentation enables you to add skilled professionals who help monitor privacy and efforts with their industry-standard knowledge.

For instance, adapting new technologies increases the risk of data security and compliance threats. Hiring staff augmentations for healthcare will help detect potential security risks and maintain compliance audits.

5. Short term project

Most businesses consider healthcare IT staff augmentation when looking for temporary employees to fill the project gap. Hence, it will be a short-term project requiring some experts to complete the work using their specialization.

For instance, a new healthcare application requires an expert to operate the system efficiently. A team of IT staff comes and helps you with and ensures smooth operations till the app launches.

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Benefits of Healthcare IT Staff Augmentation

Following are the benefits you can avail yourself when hiring healthcare IT staff augmentation into your business:

1. Cost-effectiveness

Hiring an IT staff augmentation team or professional for your healthcare sector can be cost-effective as they are for specific projects only. A full-time employee will be more expensive because he must pay HR-related expenses like salary, taxes, insurance, training, and more.

You can pay IT staff-augmented professionals based on the time frame required without making a long-term commitment, eliminating extra costs. Moreover, the staff will be qualified and know the proper use of resources, reducing the burden on your IT department to set up new workstations or understand the system.

2. Access to Specialization

Access to specialization in healthcare IT staff augmentation addresses the crucial requirement for expertise in niche areas, such as Electronic Health Record (EHR) management, Health Information Exchange (HIE), telemedicine, and data analytics. Augmented professionals bring experience and industry-standard expertise, enhancing the healthcare sector with specific skill sets.

These experts are technologically advanced and provide innovative solutions that streamline operations. By integrating temporary specialists, healthcare organizations can mitigate risks associated with technology and data, leading to improved patient care and operational efficiency.

3. Flexibility and Scalability

The need for IT staff in healthcare organizations fluctuates due to seasonal demand, patient volume, integration of advanced technologies, and execution of dynamic systems. By hiring IT staff augmentation, you can avail yourself of flexibility and scalability by utilizing upcoming or downward resources.

For instance, whether it supports during peak periods or scaling projects, your business can seamlessly adjust its IT workflow to align with the specific requirements. Moreover, the approach ensures the right expertise with efficient resource allocation, eliminating the burden of IT risk regarding staff storage and technology transactions.

4. Boost Efficiency

Staff augmentation is not all about skill gaps and particular talent for a project. Adding suitable talent can also decrease burnout within an existing team. It can help clear backlogs and streamline workflow within the existing process, allowing you to focus on productivity and accomplish tasks.

Additionally, adding temporary IT staff can provide dynamic solutions and fresh perspectives, further enhancing the efficiency of your operations. Moreover, it lets you prioritize core responsibilities without being overwhelmed by additional tasks, address immediate projects, and contribute to a productive work environment.

5. Enhance Data Security and Compliance

Data security and compliance are crucial in the healthcare sector because of sensitive information. By hiring IT professionals, you can ensure robust security measures and compliance with laws and regulations like HIPAA. The experts help implement necessary protocols, conduct security audits, and stay updated on the latest threats and compliance standards.

Moreover, the augmented staff specializes in data encryption, access controls, and handling sensitive health information properly. In addition, the proactive approach decreases data breaches and legal penalties, safeguarding crucial information.

6. Knowledge Transfer

One vital benefit of healthcare IT staff augmentation is that the experts will transfer valuable information to the existing team. In the healthcare industry, IT professionals have their own skill set and understanding; hiring staff augmentation can help enhance expertise.

They will assist in bringing new ideas and dynamic structures that can expand and enhance your existing workflow. As a result, the in-house team will learn advanced techniques and best practices. It will make your IT staff versatile with technical capabilities and help them address complex IT challenges efficiently.

7. Improve Adoption

Any healthcare provider chooses IT staff augmentation because their in-house team is unfamiliar with new technologies and techniques. By adding augmented IT professionals, businesses can fill this knowledge gap, ensuring a smoother and quicker adaptation to state-of-the-art tools and practices.

The experts provide hands-on training and support, helping your existing staff become proficient with new processes and systems. Enhancing adaptability will deliver high-quality services with minimum disruptions in ongoing operations.

Challenges and Solutions in Healthcare IT Staff Augmentation

Healthcare providers need help with IT staff skills. Effective staff augmentation is vital to handle these gaps and ensure seamless operations. Here is a closer look at the strategies and challenges in healthcare IT staff augmentation:

1. Integration with in-house teams

Challenges: The employees must familiarize themselves with the organization’s workflow, rules, network, and system usage, leading to delays and time-consuming efforts.

Solutions: An onboarding process training to help augmented staff understand the in-house teamwork and keep everyone on the same page.

2. Communication barriers

Challenges: Language barriers, unclear expectations from management, and technical jargon from IT professionals can lead to mistakes and misunderstandings.

Solutions: Utilize the communication channel and clearly understand what needs to be done, encouraging active listening and open communication.

3. Maintaining data security and compliance

Challenges: The augmented staff required process access controls and training on HIPAA compliance and maintaining security data per the organization’s regulation.

Solutions: In-house IT professionals assisting security training, data analysis, and implementation of strict access control.

4. Alignment with organizational goals

Challenges: Augmented staff, hired for short-term projects only, will require time and effort to align with organizational goals.

Solutions: Let your in-house teams train and create sessions to help augmented staff understand the organization’s goals and align your objectives efficiently.

5. Time zone differences

Challenges: Working with businesses in different time zones can be challenging because of time zones, which makes real-time collaboration difficult.

Solutions: Schedule meetings during overlapping work hours and utilize tools for updates and assigning tasks.

6. Quality control

Challenges: Initially, IT staff augmentation needs to ensure quality work according to the organization’s guidelines and demands.

Solutions: Establish clear performance metrics and quality control procedures, implement a review process, and maintain quality standards.

Different Models for Healthcare IT Staff Augmentation

There are different models for staff augmentation in healthcare, and each method provides unique advantages and considerations based on the business goals and requirements.

1. Time and Material (T&M)

The Time and Material model suits projects with uncertain or short-term goals. In this model, you can modify scope and requirements, dynamic flexibility, work according to a timeline, and change as your project evolves.


  • It may be expensive if not carefully managed.
  • Requires active management and oversight to handle the project.
  • Pricing:

  • Cost predictability with fixed project pricing.

2. Dedicated Team

The dedicated team model includes IT professionals who work exclusively on your projects. This model is adequate for long-term projects requiring specialized skills and ongoing development.


  • A steady workflow is needed to ensure the team is entirely operated.
  • Need for higher upfront investment in team setup and integration.
  • Pricing:

  • Predictable costs with fixed monthly rates.

3. Project-Based

It is best for well-defined projects with particular requirements and timelines. In this model, the professionals take full responsibility for delivering the project within the decided scope and timeframe.


  • There is less flexibility to make changes once the project is underway.
  • Chance of misalignment between client expectations and provider deliverables.
  • Pricing:

  • Pre-decided with fixed projects.

How Do You Choose the Right Model Based on Specific Needs?

  • Do you need a specialist for a specific project? Go for a project-based augmentation model. It will help you target the skills required to get a project on the floor.
  • Are you looking for ongoing support to fill skill gaps? Choose the dedicated team augmentation model. This model will form a consistent, knowledgeable team that will integrate with your existing staff.
  • Do you need the flexibility to scale your team up or down? You can select project-based and dedicated team models offering scalability; however, a project-based approach might be ideal for short-term fluctuations.
  • Still, trying to figure out the exact requirements? You can begin with a consultation from a reputable healthcare app development company. They will assist you and recommend the most suitable augmentation model.

Future Role of Staff Augmentation in the Healthcare Industry

The IT staff augmentation team will be crucial in shaping the healthcare industry using advanced technology and techniques.

  • Blockchain Technology in Healthcare:
  • IT staff augmentation in healthcare will be essential for integrating blockchain solutions to secure medical records, enhance data interoperability, and ensure robust data integrity and patient privacy.

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Healthcare:
  • Augmented IT teams can deploy and maintain NLP systems to analyze clinical notes and research papers, enhancing EHR accuracy and obtaining crucial insights for better patient care.

  • Wearable Technology Integration:
  • The augmented team can help implement and maintain advanced medical wearables, which transmit data seamlessly to healthcare providers and enable proactive management of chronic conditions.

  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in Medical Training:
  • Augmented IT professionals will be critical in designing and managing VR and AR applications and improving medical training through immersive, realistic simulations.

  • Quantum Computing Potential:
  • IT staff augmentation for healthcare will be critical for exploring and applying quantum computing in healthcare and addressing complex problems in drug discovery, genomics, and treatment optimization.

  • Predictive Maintenance of Medical Equipment:
  • Augmented IT teams can implement IoT and AI systems for predictive maintenance, reduce equipment downtime, and enhance patient safety through timely interventions.

  • Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Data Integration:
  • IT staff augmentation will incorporate SDOH data into healthcare systems, providing a comprehensive view of patient health.

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Administrative Tasks:
  • The augmented IT staff can deploy RPA solutions to automate repetitive administrative tasks, which improves operational efficiency and allows healthcare staff to focus on patient care.

  • Digital Twins in Healthcare:
  • IT staff augmentation in healthcare will enable the creation and management of digital twins, allowing for detailed simulations for personalized treatment planning and operational improvements.


The healthcare sector has evolved rapidly, and IT staff augmentation is pivotal in digital transformation. By adopting IT experts, healthcare organizations can address the skill gap, reduce the workflow burden, improve IT abilities, and find new innovative solutions that effectively shape their businesses.

It also decreases the recruitment process’s cost and effort, allowing for more focus on essential tasks. Whether for short-term or long-term projects, healthcare IT staff augmentation will meet the requirements to achieve those objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

IT staff augmentation can significantly advantage numerous sectors within the healthcare industry, like:

  • Hospitals and health systems
  • Telehealth services
  • Clinical research organizations
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Health insurance firms
  • Medical device manufacturers
  • Augmentation in healthcare refers to the strategic hiring of external professionals within a business’s workforce, particularly in areas where specialized skills or additional resources are needed.

    IT staff augmentation will be more cost-effective than traditional hiring; however, the cost may depend on the project’s duration, the expertise required, and the specific model chosen.

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