LanguagesPerformanceEase of Use Control Over Resources Cross-Platform Development Best Use Cases
C++Excellent for high-performance tasks Moderate and requires expertise for effective use High, direct memory management and low-level control Strong but requires additional setup and tools Performance-critical applications like games or AR/VR
JavaGood but less optimized for resource-intensive tasks High with extensive libraries and frameworks Limited compared to lower-level languages Restricted to Android without additional tools General Android development
KotlinDecent higher-level abstractions can impact performance. High concise, syntax, and modern features Restricted abstracts many low-level details Primarily used for Android but can implementedcross-platform Android application with modern tools and features
C#Good but relies on runtime environment High and developer-friendly with strong typing Moderate and provide some control Strong using Xamarin for cross-platform apps Enterprise applications and Unity-based games
DartModerate, optimized for UI-centric tasks High, focused on productivity and simplicity Limited, focused on UI and high-level functionalityStrong, "write once, run anywhere" with Flutter UI-centric, cross-platform apps with quick prototyping