Quick Summary
The blog introduces a list of resources encompassing top Flutter Libraries, Tools, Packages, and Plugins you can use in your Flutter app development. Read more to find out how, with these resources at your disposal, you can amplify productivity, streamline workflows, and unleash the potential of Flutter for app development like never before.
In this fast-paced world of mobile app development, Flutter has arrived as a game-changing open-source framework. With its ability to create mobile, web, and desktop apps from a single codebase, it thrives to new heights of success. However, harnessing its complete potential demands a vast array of resources. But to simplify it for you, we have curated a list of top Flutter libraries, tools, packages, and plugins that provide remarkable support for Flutter app development.
So, let’s dive right in!
Flutter libraries are the pre-built tools that help developers build applications quickly with pre-written code bundles. It acts as a shortcut for developers to develop feature fasters and functionalities efficiently. Let’s take a closer look at the top 10 Flutter libraries:
fl_chart is one of the exceptional open-source Flutter libraries designed to simplify and enhance the implementation of graphical charts in mobile apps. It offers a wide range of chart types, such as pie charts, bar charts, line charts, and more, making it a flexible solution for visualizing data. This library empowers you to create compelling and data-intensive apps by providing options and packages to customize the appearance and functionality of the charts.
url_launcher is another one of the popular Flutter libraries that makes it easy to simplify the process of launching URLs in mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms. It allows you to develop various types of URLs, such as HTTP links, email addresses, phone numbers, and SMS, using predefined schemas and various functions. This package is beneficial for handling different URL schema and providing an effortless user experience when navigating external resources.
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It is a powerful Flutter library that serves as a simple Dart service locator. It is designed to help architects design Flutter applications for performance optimization and easier dependency management. In simple terms, a service locator is a design pattern that provides a way to locate and access services needed by various parts of an application.
It’s a reactive functional programming toolkit designed for Google Dart, inspired by ReactiveX principles. It provides powerful tools and utilities to work with asynchronous and event-based streams in Dart. RxDart builds upon the Streams API provided by Dart, enhancing with additional functionality and operators commonly found in Reactive X implementations.
package_info is a Flutter library that provides access to various information about the app itself, such as the app version, build number, package name, and other metadata. It allows you to retrieve data about the Flutter app programmatically during runtime easily. You can use this package to create more dynamic and context-aware user interfaces and handle version-specific functionality efficiently.
cached_network_image is a Flutter library used to simplify the process of loading and displaying images from the web while efficiently caching them to prove performance and reduce network requests. It is useful for apps that frequently display images from remote URLs, such as avatars, product images, or new articles.
It is an exceptional Flutter library that provides access to the popular font awesome icon collection. The library has a set of vector icons widely used in Flutter web development and is now available for Flutter applications. It lets you easily integrate and display Font Awesome icons in their Flutter UI. Also, it contains 1600 awesome icons to use in the application.
Dio is a library primarily used in Flutter applications for handling HTTP requests. It is a powerful HTTP client, enabling Flutter developers to communicate with web servers and APIs. With Dio, developers can easily fetch data from the internet, send data to the servers, and interact with APIs, making network operations in Flutter apps more efficient. It supports various features such as FormData handling, global configuration, request cancellation, timeout settings, file loading, interceptors, and more.
Fluttertoast is a library designed to help Flutter developers quickly show short messages on their apps. These messages are like small notes that appear briefly and disappear without distraction. It’s like having a simple way to tell your app users something without bothering them too much. It’s like sharing little bits of information in a friendly manner within a Flutter app.
qr_flutter is a library designed explicitly for Flutter and is popular for building mobile apps. The library makes it easy and quick to create QR codes (the patterns you see that can be scanned with a smartphone). You can use qr_flutter to generate the QR codes and show them in your apps using ready-made elements or customizing their appearance using your designs.
Now that we have familiarized ourselves with the leading Flutter libraries, we must shift our focus toward Flutter development tools.
Flutter tools act as a bridge that fill the gap between applications and streamline the development process. There are numerous Flutter tools which you can utilize to create exceptional apps:
Firebase is one of the most used Flutter tools that helps you easily create and manage mobile and web apps. It also provides features and services to simplify app development and improve user experience. Firebase can seamlessly integrate with cross-platform applications, and its APIs can be used as a unified backend in a single SDK.
Features of Firebase:
Codemagic is a handy Flutter tool designed explicitly for Flutter app development. It automizes the entire app development process, from building and testing to the deployment part. By connecting with different platforms, such as GitHub and GitLab, it automatically builds the app whenever the changes are made.
Features of Codemagic:
Visual Studio Code is another one of the most commonly used Flutter tools. It is a UI toolkit by Google for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop with just a single codebase.
Features of Visual Studio Code :
Android Studio serves as the official integrated development environment (IDE) for creating Android applications. It is a comprehensive and powerful tool designed to facilitate the entire Android app development process, starting from writing codes to the deployment process.
Features of Android Studio(IDE):
Testmagic, or Lambda Test, is a Flutter tool that helps mobile developers test their apps before releasing them. It allows them to try out their apps on computer simulators, real phones, and tablets.
Features of Testmagic:
It is a visual tool in Flutter that helps developers find and fix problems in how their apps look and work. It shows a picture of the app’s design and lets developers see what’s happening in real time. With Flutter Inspector, developers can quickly determine how the different parts of the app’s design fit together and ensure everything works smoothly.
Features of Flutter Inspector:
Crafted by JetBrains, IntelliJ IDEA stands as a robust integrated development environment (IDE). Its primary focus lies in software creation, accommodating diverse programming languages like Java, Kotlin, and Dart. With its strong backing, it offers exceptional tools and capabilities for Flutter development, aiding developers in efficiently constructing top-notch Flutter applications.
Features of IntelliJ IDEA:
Supernova is an excellent flutter tool for app development. It is a design system platform that utilizes Flutter to build collaborative web apps. Design systems are collections of reusable components and assets that help create consistent and attractive user interfaces.
Features of Supernova:
Instabug is a tool used in Flutter app development that allows users to report bugs and provide feedback directly within the app. It helps developers identify and fix issues quickly, gather user insights, and improve app quality.
Features of Instabug:
Lynt is among the most used Flutter tools. It is a linter for Dart and Flutter code. A linter is a tool that helps you find and fix errors in your code, including unused variables and imports, unnecessary casts, potential null pointer exceptions, and style violations.
Features of Lynt:
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The Flutter packages are pre-written pieces of code that you can utilize to deploy features and functionalities easily. Here are the best Flutter packages that you can use to achieve optimal performance:
The “flutter_bloc” package helps Flutter developers to keep their apps organized by separating the parts that control how things work(business logic) from the parts that show things on screen(UI). It’s like having a plan for how the app should behave, and it makes it easier to test and change different parts of the app without breaking everything. It uses blocks called BLoCs to manage the app’s behavior and state.
Example of a Flutter app using the flutter_bloc package to manage a counter:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class CounterBloc extends Bloc{ CounterBloc() : super(0); @override Stream mapEventToState(int event) async* { yield state + event; } } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: BlocProvider( create: (context) => CounterBloc(), child: CounterPage(), ), ); } } class CounterPage extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final CounterBloc _counterBloc = BlocProvider.of (context); return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Counter App')), body: Center( child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: [ BlocBuilder ( builder: (context, count) { return Text( 'Count: $count', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24), ); }, ), SizedBox(height: 20), Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: [ FloatingActionButton( onPressed: () => _counterBloc.add(1), child: Icon(Icons.add), ), SizedBox(width: 10), FloatingActionButton( onPressed: () => _counterBloc.add(-1), child: Icon(Icons.remove), ), ], ), ], ), ), ); } }
“flutter_form_builder” is a Flutter package that makes creating forms in your app easy. It helps you build and manage forms with different fields like text, checkboxes, and dates without writing much code. It handles user input and validation, making your app’s forms user-friendly and efficient.
Example demonstrating the use of the “flutter_form_builder” package in a Flutter app:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_form_builder/flutter_form_builder.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: FormBuilderExample(), ); } } class FormBuilderExample extends StatelessWidget { final GlobalKey_fbKey = GlobalKey (); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('Form Builder Example'), ), body: Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0), child: FormBuilder( key: _fbKey, child: Column( children: [ FormBuilderTextField( name: 'name', decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: 'Name'), validator: FormBuilderValidators.required(context), ), SizedBox(height: 20), ElevatedButton( onPressed: () { if (_fbKey.currentState!.saveAndValidate()) { print(_fbKey.currentState!.value); } }, child: Text('Submit'), ), ], ), ), ), ); } }
The scoped_ model is a set of utilities to pass a data model from the parent widget to descendants. It has three main classes: model class, scope model widget, and scopeModelDescendant widget.
Let’s see an example of using the scoped_ model in the Flutter app:
/** Create a class that holds some view state The counter starts at 0 and can be incremented. Note: It must extend from the Model. */ class CounterModel extends Model { int _counter = 0; int get counter => _counter; void increment() { // First, increment the counter _counter++; // Then notify all the listeners. notifyListeners(); } } /** Create our App, which will provide the `CounterModel` to all children that require it! */ class CounterApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { /** First, create a `ScopedModel` widget. This will provide the `model` to the children that request it. */ return new ScopedModel( model: new CounterModel(), child: new Column(children: [ /** Create a ScopedModelDescendant. This widget will get the CounterModel from the nearest ScopedModel. It will hand that Model to our builder method and rebuild any time the CounterModel changes (i.e., after we `notifyListeners` in the Model). */ new ScopedModelDescendant( builder: (context, child, model) => new Text('${model.counter}'), ), new Text("Another widget that doesn't depend on the CounterModel") ]) ); } }
GetX is one of the best flutter packages that enhances state management, dependency injection, and routing for more efficient and organized app development. It replaces the traditional methods like Streams or ChangeNotifier with its own optimized approach.
Example of using GetX for state management in a Flutter app:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class CounterController extends GetxController { var count = 0.obs; void increment() { count++; } } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { final controller = CounterController(); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('GetX Counter App'), ), body: Center( child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: [ Obx(() => Text('Count: ${controller.count}')), SizedBox(height: 20), ElevatedButton( onPressed: controller.increment, child: Text('Increment'), ), ], ), ), ), ); } }
intl is often used as a Flutter package for handling language, date, and number differences in software, making it work well across cultures and languages. It ensures messages are translated, dates/numbers are formatted correctly, and supports languages written right-to-left.
Here’s a short Flutter code snippet that demonstrates the use of the “intl” package to format a date and display a translated message:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: 'Intl Package Example', home: MyHomePage(), ); } } class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // Format a date using the intl package var formattedDate = DateFormat.yMMMMd().format(DateTime.now()); // Translate a message using the intl package var translatedMessage = Intl.message( 'Hello, welcome to our app!', name: 'welcomeMessage', desc: 'Welcome message for the app', ); return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('Intl Package Example'), ), body: Center( child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children:[ Text('Formatted Date: $formattedDate'), Text(translatedMessage), ], ), ), ); } }
It is one of the most used Flutter best packages that lets you use your native file explorer to select one or more files quickly, and it helps you choose only the files with specific types, like images or documents.
An example that demonstrates how to use the “file_picker” package in a Flutter app to allow users to select and display an image file:
import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:file_picker/file_picker.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: FilePickerScreen(), ); } } class FilePickerScreen extends StatefulWidget { @override _FilePickerScreenState createState() => _FilePickerScreenState(); } class _FilePickerScreenState extends State{ String? _filePath; Future _pickFile() async { FilePickerResult? result = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles( type: FileType.image, ); if (result != null) { setState(() { _filePath = result.files.single.path; }); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('File Picker Example'), ), body: Center( child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: [ if (_filePath != null) Image.file( File(_filePath!), height: 200, ), SizedBox(height: 20), ElevatedButton( onPressed: _pickFile, child: Text('Pick an Image'), ), ], ), ), ); } }
This Flutter package makes it simple to add a special shimmering or glowing effect to elements in your Flutter projects.
Here’s a basic example for the same:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:shimmer/shimmer.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('Shimmer Example'), ), body: Center( child: Shimmer.fromColors( baseColor: Colors.grey[300]!, highlightColor: Colors.grey[100]!, child: Container( width: 200, height: 100, color: Colors.white, ), ), ), ), ); } }
The “dotted_ border” Flutter package is like a special tool that lets you easily create dashed or dotted outlines around your widget in a Flutter app. It’s an easy way to make your app elements stand out and look stylish. You can customize the style, color, and thickness of the border to match the design of your app.
Here’s a basic example for the same:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:dotted_border/dotted_border.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('Dotted Border Example'), ), body: Center( child: DottedBorder( strokeWidth: 2, color: Colors.blue, child: Container( width: 200, height: 150, color: Colors.grey[200], ), ), ), ), ); } }
The “badges” package is a valuable tool that allows you to add badges to your Flutter widgets easily. Badges are visual indicators that can be applied to various elements, such as icons or text, to provide additional information or context to the user. For example, you might use badges to show notifications, unread message counts, or quantities associated with different items.
Example of how to use the badges package to add badges to a Flutter app, indicating the number of items in a shopping cart:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:badges/badges.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('Badge Example'), ), body: Center( child: Badge( badgeContent: Text('3'), child: IconButton( icon: Icon(Icons.shopping_cart), onPressed: () { // Open the shopping cart or perform an action }, ), ), ), ), ); } }
Flutter plugins are particular types of Flutter packages crafted to interact with the device’s native features. Ultimately, they help connect the Flutter application to the underlying iOS and Android systems.
Here are the top list of Flutter Plugins to optimize your app development:
1. Proximity Sensor Plugin:This Flutter plugin allows you to access the proximity sensor on your device. The sensor can detect when a user’s device is close to another object.
2. flutter_mobile_vision_2: This plugin incorporates the Google Mobile Vision API for face detection, barcode scanning, and text recognition. It’s versatile, well-supported by Google, and widely appreciated.
3. flutter_offline:This plugin enables offline functionality for your app, ensuring it works without an internet connection. It is essential for apps with data needs, even when offline, like maps or calendars.
4. Flutter Location: Handles location changes and updates, essential for apps tracking user positions, like weather or navigation apps.
5. speech_to_text: This Flutter plugin recognizes speech in your Flutter app, perfect for voice-based interactions like voice assistants or chatbots. Developed and maintained by the community.
6. intro_slider: The intro_slider plugin helps you create cool starting screens for your app. This screen gives a quick idea of what your app does. You can make them look nice with pictures, text, and even videos can make them look nice. You decide how people move through these screens, like using buttons or swiping. Plus, you can make them match your app’s style.
7. install_plugin: The install_plugin makes it easy to install Android apps on Android devices and directs iPhone users to the App Store. It’s like a helper for installing and finding apps.
8. package_info_plus: The “package_info_plus” is a Flutter plugin that helps you find essential details about your app, like version numbers for iOS and Android. It’s like having a specific tool that tells you about your app’s package.
9. google_maps_flutter: A Flutter plugin for adding interactive maps to iOS and Android apps, allowing users to see and interact with locations, find places, and quickly navigate in the app.
10. auto_updater: This plugin helps Flutter desktop apps to handle automatic updates without any manual intervention.
This reference is at your disposal for any information regarding these Flutter libraries, tools, packages, and plugins.
Also, while exploring the top Flutter libraries, tools, packages, and plugins for development, it’s essential to consider how these elements can influence the overall Flutter app development cost, as they play an essential role in shaping your project’s efficiency, functionality, and budget.
Thus, diverse Flutter libraries, tools, packages, and plugins are available for Flutter app development to boost efficiency, improve your workflows, and create extraordinary apps. By leveraging the capabilities of these resources, you can face any challenges that come your way while remaining at the forefront of Flutter development. However, you should consider connecting with Flutter consulting services as their expertise will simplify your development process and assist to grow your project.
To update a Flutter package, use the “pug upgrade” command to get the newer versions of the added parts.
To develop a Flutter plugin, utilize the Plugin Development Kit(PDK). This kit equips you with essential tools like a code generator, test runner, and documentation generator to streamline plugin creation.
The Flutter ecosystem has a rich collection of over 35,000 packages in total.
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