Angular 4.0.0, the latest upgrade to the most loved and most used JavaScript framework for mobile and desktop development, was released by Google late Thursday afternoon, 23/03/2017.
Angular v4.0 invisible-makeover is out! 🙂
— Igor Minar (@IgorMinar) March 24, 2017
It’s a major release, Angular 4.0 follows the team’s announcement of Semantic Versioning and major improvements as well as functionalities to compatible for the previous versions with 2.x.x for the most Applications. As the team explained in December 2016 that it would be jumping from Angular 2 to Angular 4 (skipping version 3) so the routes and core Angular libraries would be versioned the same way.
The Angular University states,
Angular University is very excited to share the release, as it includes some major improvements and functionality that we have been progressively working on for the past 3 months. We’ve ethat it enables developers to run the framework on a server.
New Improvements Made In Angular Version 4.0.0.
• Smaller & Faster
Thank you Angular Team! Upgrading from v2 to v4 is a smooth ride, main bundle went from 813KB to 330KB! @IgorMinar @mhevery @hanslatwork
— Tommy Jiang (@tianyangj) March 24, 2017
• View Engine
New view engine landed in Angular 4, AoT savings are insanely good.
— Todd Motto (@toddmotto) February 24, 2017
The Angular team has made significant changes under to hood to what AOT generated code looks like. These changes have gone on to diminish the size of the generated code for your components by around 60% in most cases. So it would have apparently higher saving for the complex templates.
• Animation Package
The Angular University informed that they have pulled animations out of @angular/core and into their own package. It means if you are not using animations, then the extra code will not end up in your production bundles.
New Features
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