“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is an excellent magnum opus tale about decision making. The poet advises you to choose the road that is less traveled to learn all the differences. The only thing that you need to take into consideration is never regret – whatever is the result positive or negative. The choice you make in life creates a significant difference in how the future unfolds and the opportunity to choose other routes.
People who belong to the marketing field always want to come out of the traditional way, and Agile is offering an exciting path to take first tentative steps. In the very beginning of your journey, you will face two questions whether to make an iterative approach to Agile or follow the flow-based commonly known approach Kanban?
There are no universal rules to choose any specific approach, but making an inconsequential decision can lead to frustration that Agile marketing has to offer. So to help you under with the right Agile marketing approach I have created a questionnaire with in-detail answers.
Is Agile Marketing a methodology or an approach to marketing?
First of all, it’s not a new brand name nor an approach. As its core Agile marketing is collective efforts to complete the project co-operatively measuring their impact and then incrementally improve the results. The appealing characteristic of Agile marketing is to form a systematic boundary around the work being done. An Agile team purposely chooses what to work on and what not to work.
I am new to Agile; how much time does it take to implement?
The obvious answer to this question is – it depends. Let me assume that you have done your homework for a team of dozen or more people would require days to undertake a team-wide structure. Whiteboard workflow seems an easy thing at first, but to leverage the benefits of Agile-marketing approach, it’s mandatory to understand core principles and mindset of Agile-marketing approach.
How is agile methodology different from traditional waterfall process?
In Agile methodology, software is delivered frequently. Thus the testing takes place concurrently along with the development activity. Whereas in the waterfall model, testing activities take place at the end of the development process. Waterfall does not involve all stakeholders in the development process, whereas agile methodology involves various stakeholders including customers.
Kanban, Scrum, Scrumban what is the difference amongst these all?
Scrum is the most used and most-preferred Agile methodology in software development and IT industry. Scrum teams perform their work following sprints for one to four weeks. Scrum has some prescribed roles like software developers, product owner, and scrum master. Scrum practice requires standardized meetings, daily standup, sprint planning, review, and retrospective.
For brief definitions on these terms refer to this page:-
Kanban is a Japanese word, which means ‘billboard or ‘signboard” in Japanese. Kanban team follows the work-in-progress structure, and it typically tracks their work that has columns. Each column indicates “work-in-progress” limit, and Kanban does not have prescribed roles or meetings. Kanban team follows a proactive and independent approach that is not in the case of Scrum.
At first, it sounds like the combination of both Scrum and Kanban. This is the best procedure for marketing teams as it offers complete freedom from external interruptions without being inflexible. Scrumbun can be applied for the ongoing improvement from Kanban to the Scrum team system to fill the gaps when used independently. Scrum is perfectly suitable for a team size of 5 to 9 people, whereas Kanban and Scrumban are suitable for any size team.
Is Agile marketing suitable for small teams?
Yes, it is perfectly appropriate as well as possible.
How does Agile work for super-quick turnaround project planning?
Agile works perfectly fine in any environment and unquestionably help to manage workflow in any situation. For super-quick turnaround – Kanban is a right approach as it reduces meetings and planning overhead.
How to involve Agile projects with my day to day problems that my team is facing?
The first thing that you need to take into consideration is to measure the average number of issues and problems. Then understand the individual sprints that your team has to deal with and to overcome the difficulties leave enough of your sprint empty for the unplanned work. If you got fortunate and nothing comes up in your way, advise your team members to pull out the work from backlog.
How is marketing work organized under Agile?
There are various Agile methodologies, and Scrum is the most popular marketers. Each sprint requires numbers of meetings and check-ins where team members can highlight difficulties and discuss potential things to resolve and up-to-date on the status of tasks. It all starts with project planning and one-on-one meetings between scrum masters and team members. It allows each team member to discuss their project ideas with the rest of the team. It’s a crucial point for creatives as it’s an opportunity to get involved in the strategic planning process and get feedback for the following campaigns.
What technology tools are involved in Agile?
Agile is an ongoing process, and Agile technologies help to streamline and automate the process. The software development companies chose Agile to enable team communication, collaboration, and project management. The messaging apps like Slack and collaboration tools such as OneNote, Microsoft Office and Dropbox for digital asset management.
Is it worth getting Scrum master certified?
To lead an Agile marketing team, it is mandatory to have a certificate. But, if you are not leading the team, then probably not. The same applies to product owner training.
Let’s keep the Question and Answer Session Ongoing
The Agile marketing approach is a great and powerful tool for every marketing leader, as it allows you to build the process to see true developments and growth, rather than taking a random approach and putting efforts on things that may or may not work, and so it will never allow you to optimize your potential growth. Agile marketing provides an opportunity and gives you the advantage to race with your clienteles, instead of running after them.
In a simple term make use of agile marketing to “focus on the customer experience and grow hypotheses about the CX and test them regularly. In this blog, I think I have covered basic questionnaire related to Agile marketing if I have missed any potential Agile questionnaire, then shout out in the comments and I will be more happy to assist you with the answer.