One of the significant issues organizations come across while making a smartphone application is the multiplicative cost of developing a native application across multiplatform. However, savvy front-end developers have tuned into the advanced development around several hybrid platforms, which assures to address the issue and have come up with a dynamic Ionic framework package to build a real-time smartphone application with an amazing flexibility. So, now with the use of Java Script and HTML5 you can build a real-time smartphone application only “In Just Few Minutes”.
So let’s have a look and see how our developers are creating magic with the Ionic framework package.
The two main types of building mobile applications are:
Natively coding app
You are allowed to write the app code in the native language of the platform
And the another type is,
Build an application with the use of web technologies that run in a browser shell.
This is an obvious reason that apps built in their native language will always run faster because the code is directly interpreted by the mobile Operating System. However, still native languages are noticeably more complicated to learn and implement than the web languages. On the other hand, Browser shell apps run perfectly fine across android and iOS platforms and it only takes a fraction of the time to develop such apps in the comparison of native apps. That is why; shell apps are more favorable for developing prototypes and building small applications.
The applications, which are being built into a shell apps browser,make use of a framework called “Ionic”.Ionic is an amazing framework that lets you create similar to native looking components.
You should be at ease with the use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.And familiarity of AngularJS is also required. If you are not such familiar, then please do have a look at some of the great tutorials to get you started. Make sure, you have Nodejsin your PC.
Just type the following command
$ npminstall -g gulp bower cordova ionic ios-simyo generator-gulp-angular
- Gulp: It’s a task runner, which help you out to build your processes
- Bower: It’s a client side package manager, which helps to install things like angular and ionic
- Cordova: It’s a browser shell
- Ionic: The framework tool which helps to build ionic apps
- iOSSim: LetsiOS simulation with ionic apps
- Yo: It’s a scaffolding tool for developing web apps
- Generator Gulp Angular: It’s a generator, which automatically generates the code that is required to kick start your application
First of all, you are required to develop the code for the browser shell. To make it happen, go to the folder where you want to store your application as well as run “$ ionic start todo-app blank” into the command line.
Once you are done with the above procedure, then move into your application folder with “$ cd todo-app” here, you are required to make sure that you should be able to serve and run your app. Here, the only thing that’s not pretty interesting is code, as it does not follow any specific good practices.
Thus, here I would like to suggest you to make use of a gulp angular generator as the codes incorporated with good coding practices. Now, if you are not in your app folder, then first of all move there and run “$ yo gulp-angular”. This will start a generator, which will ask you some questions. Don’t worry about the answer; please, do provide the following answers:
* Name the version of Angular you want?
– 1.4.x (stable)
* Do you need jQuery or Zepto?
– jQuery 2.x
* Select the Angular modules you would like to have?
– Select them all
* Name the router you would like to use?
– UI Router
* Name the REST resource library,you would like to use?
– None
* Name the UI framework you would like to have?
– None
* Name the CSS preprocessor you would like to have?
– Sass (Node)
* Name the JS preprocessor you would like to have?
– None
* Name the HTML template engine you would like to have?
– None
This will start creating your application files. However, you will come across between some overwriting warnings; for the default action simply press enter. Then generator will install the dependencies and finish the process.
If you want to make the generator code compatible with the browser shell then you will have to make a few changes, which are the must. First of all, delete “www” folder “todo-app/www. Then make the required changes with the configuration file at “todo-app/gulp/conf.js” to the following:
exports.paths = {
src: 'src',
dist: 'www', // replaced 'dist'
tmp: '.tmp',
e2e: 'e2e'
This is how you will compile the code, it will output into the “www” folder that is familiar by cordova. Subsequently replace this “
” tags from “todo-app/src/index.html” with:
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">
<script src="cordova.js"></script>
It is to make sure that the browser renders the see it correctly. Now, to have a look at the result, run “$ ionic serve” with the application to your desktop browser. If you are making use of Google Chrome, then you should make use of browser inspector to see it in a mobile sized view.
Now, you are required to install the client side Ionic library. To make it happen run “$ bower install –save ionic.” Then head to the angular module file at “todo-app/src/app/index.module.js” and add Ionic so:
(function() {
'use strict';
.module('todoApp', [
'ionic', // add ionic
Note: While coding out the app, the only folders you are required to edit is a source folder at “todo-app/src” and the testing folder at “todo-
So, it’s time to go!
Now, we are sure that you are ready to start building your own app. Just go through the listed mentioned link –
Here, everything is covered from the basicsand will for sure help you get started from scratch. Just make sure you are following the mentioned process carefully and completely.
So, what are your ideas and thoughts about the Ionic Framework? Still if you have any further questions, just give me a shout in the comment box. We also invite you to share your thoughts so we can learn from each other.
Here at Bacancy Technology, we have an in-depth knowledge and extensive experienced Ionic Mobile app developers.Being an active real-time Ionic mobile app framework community member, we are always ready to help you.
If you are looking to hire Ionic mobile app framework developer, you can mail us your requirement at Feel free to contact us in case of any queries.