Quick Summary:

The Google-developed framework – Angular has released its latest v14 update with stand-alone components, optional NGmodules, typed reactive forms, and better template diagnostics. If you’re looking for what’s new in Angular 14, this blog will help you get through with the latest features and updates and guide to installation.

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Angular 14 is finally here after the success of its predecessor Angular 13. The Type-script based web application framework is the next significant Google release. Angular 14 has arrived with stand-alone components, promising to streamline Angular app development by reducing the need for Angular modules. The upgrade from Angular 13 to Angular 14 induces new opportunities for typed forms, improved template diagnosis, and stand-alone components.

Angular 14 is believed to be the most systematic pre-planned upgrade by Angular. The Angular 14 release new features include CLI auto-completion, typed reactive forms, stand-alone components, directives and pipes, and enhanced template diagnostics.

The highlight of this update is that the Angular team has carefully seasoned out the need for Ng modules, reducing the amount of boilerplate code required to start the application. Before discussing the Angular14 features, let us compare Angular13 with the new Angular14 update.

Angular13 vs Angular14

After the release of Angular 13, the Angular and Typescript developers found the framework tricky compared to other ones like React. Additionally in Angular 13, adding titles was simplified with the new Route.title in the Angular router. In the case of Angular 14, this isn’t required to be added for any additional imports when adding a title to your page.

Angular v14 release date: 2nd June 2022
Supports Typescript 4.7
Targets ES2020

What’s New in Angular 14: Latest Features

Let us explore what’s new in Angular 14, discussing the important features and updates.

1. Stand-alone Components:

The Angular 14 modules are optional; however, the goal is to move away from the existing setup by building pipes, directives, and components.

In order to make Ng modules optional on stand-alone components, Angular has issued RFC (Request for Comments). These modules would not be obsolete in the Angular 14 update but will become provisional to keep up with the compatibility of the existing Angular libraries and applications.

It is worth noting that before Angular 14, each component was required to be associated with a module. The application would fail if the declarations array of a parent module is not linked with every component.

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2. Strictly Typed Forms:

The new Angular version update completely rectifies the major Github issue, i.e., executing strict typing for Angular reactive forms package. The strictly typed forms will enhance a modern-driven approach for Angular to function seamlessly with the existing forms.

One of the most promising elements about what’s new in Angular 14 is that they have provided a smooth transition experience from previous versions to v14. The Angular team has added auto migration to maintain the existing applications during the upgrade. Also, you can now work with FormControl which calls a particular value it carries, accepting generic type input.

The complexity of the API is frequently monitored to ensure that the changes are dealt with precision and smoothness. Moreover, the latest Angular 14 update will not hamper the template-based forms.

3. Angular CLI Auto-Completion:

The best part about the Angular CLI auto-completion is that you can improve productivity by delivering the required commands to create modules, directives, and components for your new/existing project. However, the Angular 14 has plenty of commands handy for you.

You don’t need to worry about looking for commands on the internet. Here is how you can do it with Angular 14.

The Angular 14 delivers the latest features in CLI, allowing real-time auto-completion in the terminal. At first glance, you should execute the ng completion command. The next step is to type the ng command and press Tab to explore all the possible options. Enter to opt for one of the options.

Additionally, if you are working with the latest Angular 14 version, you can avail more auto-completion options from the ng create command options list.

4. Improved Template Diagnostics:

The new Angular 14 update comes with enhanced template diagnostics to shield the developers from generic errors through compiler reconciliation to typescript code.

In Angular 13 and the previous versions, there are no warning signs generated by the compiler, and it ceases to execute if any issue restricts it from doing so.

Some of the probable warning signs can come out from fundamental issues like the use of unwanted operators when the variable is not nullable or two-way binding syntax. Furthermore, the diagnostic tests are circumscribed with the expansion of a new private compiler displaying warning signs or information diagnostics for user templates.

5. Streamlined Page Title Accessibility:

Generally, your page title distinctly shows the contents of your page during application development. Previously in Angular 13, the whole process of adding titles was aligned with the fresh Route.title property in the Angular router. However, Angular 14 doesn’t provide additional imports that are required while adding a title to your page.

6. Latest Primitives in the Angular CDK:

What’s new in Angular 14? Well, the Angular Component Dev Kit (CDK) offers a comprehensive set of tools for Angular component development. In Angular 14, the CDK menu and Dialog have been driven to a stable Angular version. Nonetheles, the new CDK primitives allow the creation of custom components that are better accessible.

7. Angular DevTools is Now Present Online:

It is simple to employ the Angular DevTools debugging extension under the offline mode. This extension is available under the Morzilla’s Add-ons for Firefox users.

8. Optional Injectors:

If you are developing an embedded view in Angular14, you can mention an optional injector through TemplateRef.createEmbeddedView and ViewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView.

9. Built-in Enhancements:

One of the interesting things about the Angular14 update is that it enables the CLI to deploy small code without reducing its value. The built-in enhancements assist you in connecting to protected component members straight from your templates. Overall, you get more control over the reusable components using the public API surface.

10. Extended Developer Diagnostics:

The extended developer diagnostics is an Angular14 feature delivering an extendable framework that aids better understanding into your template and shows suggestions facilitating potential boosts.

Getting Started with Angular 14

How to install Angular 14?

Install the Angular14 version through npm using the next flag and move forward with opening a new CLI. Run the command below to install the latest Angular update.

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npm install --global @angular/cli@next

You can install the Angular CLI version globally on your development machine using the above command.

How to upgrade from Angular 13 to Angular 14?

Visit this link to upgrade from Angular 13 to 14 https://update.angular.io/

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Wrapping Up

That’s a wrap-up on covering all the essentials about what’s new in Angular14. I hope this will help you with your upcoming/existing project using the latest Angular14 version.

With Angular14, the app development is now easy and quick. Thanks to the stand-alone components, which makes the use of ng modules optional. The developer community of Angular seeks to cater to the web developers to get better versions of the Typescript-based framework while simultaneously allowing them to stay on track with the other online ecosystems and user’s requirements.

If you are adept at the latest Angular upgrades and features, we suggest you move to Angular14!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Angular latest Official stable version is Angular v13. 2.5, which is released on 2nd March 2022.

Angular is better than React if your application is enterprise-grade and you need to incorporate complex functionalities like progressive, single-page, and native web apps. However, React specializes in creating UI components and can be used in any application, including single-page apps.

NPM is basically a package manager who acts as a dependency provider. Similarly, YARN is another such example. NPM contains and manages many packages and modules, and NG is one such module, a core module of Angular.

A file named angular. json at the root level of an Angular workspace provides workspace-wide and project-specific configuration defaults for build and development tools the Angular CLI provides. Path values given in the configuration are relative to the root workspace folder.

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